Practical Mysticism

Tuesdays, Jan 7th – Feb 25th
6:00 – 7:30 pm

Please join me for a special meditation immersion to explore the rich, multidimensional nature of your own consciousness and how it interacts with the universe at large. You will see more clearly the energy world that you live in, and to understand the belief systems, mass thoughtforms, and subconscious or telepathic energies of others that affect you. We will bring the unconscious into consciousness, delving into the mysteries of the unseen world around you. As you increase your understanding of these unseen energies, you can use them as a tool to help you get to where you want to go.

Please see more information, including weekly schedule below.



What did the Buddhist monk say to the hot dog vendor?

Make me one with everything.

Tuesday, 6:00 – 7:30 pm

What does it mean to be in the world, but not of it? To live in joyful, moment-to-moment connection with our Essence or Broader Being? By transcending identification with our minds (our whirly gigs) we begin to glimpse our true identity, as pure consciousness. And as the purity of our innate consciousness rises into awareness, we begin to awaken from the dream of this world. We begin to see that we are, and always have been, eternally free.

So the practical question becomes:  how do we wake up to our own greater identity?

  • Week 1: You are the Radio/Opening Energy Centers
  • Week 2: Sensing/Signs
  • Week 3: Understanding and Directing the Unseen Energy Around You
  • Week 4: Energy in Others/Emotion/Listening
  • Week 5: Who Am I?
  • Week 6: Bringing the Unconscious into Consciousness
  • Week 7: Evolving Your Inner Images/Releasing the True Self
  • Week 8: Finding Your Deepest Truth

Please bring a notebook and pen, a bottle of water, and whatever else you need to be comfortable. If you miss any of the classes, the materials will be emailed to you.