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Reiki Training

Spiritual Development

& Meditation Classes

on-line and in Madison, WI

Opportunities to heal, transform, and evolve ourselves and our world.

Rays of Light through Trees.

Summer 2024 Reiki Training Program

May 18, June 15, July 13, Aug 10, 2024
10 am–5:30 pm

This comprehensive, hands-on program provides an in-depth energy medicine curriculum that delves into the bioelectromagnetic system and how it functions. Participants will gain an understanding of the science behind energy therapies and how our “biography becomes our biology.” You will gain an understanding of the energetic nature of our universe and your own physical/energetic self to provide a fuller context in which to explore and practice Reiki. Emphasis is placed on energy anatomy and function, personal alignment, boundaries, intention, hands-on practice, intuitive development, and professional integrity so that each participant feels completely comfortable and confident in their skills. Tuition is $995, including book and materials.

Please click here for full class description and registration information.


Rays of Light through Trees.

Fall 2024 Reiki Training Program

Sept 14, Oct 12, Nov 9, Dec 7, 2024
10 am–5:30 pm

This comprehensive, hands-on program provides an in-depth energy medicine curriculum that delves into the bioelectromagnetic system and how it functions. Participants will gain an understanding of the science behind energy therapies and how our “biography becomes our biology.” You will gain an understanding of the energetic nature of our universe and your own physical/energetic self to provide a fuller context in which to explore and practice Reiki. Emphasis is placed on energy anatomy and function, personal alignment, boundaries, intention, hands-on practice, intuitive development, and professional integrity so that each participant feels completely comfortable and confident in their skills. Tuition is $995, including book and materials.

Please click here for full class description and registration information.


Rays of Light through Trees.

One-on-One Reiki Training 

This is a program for anyone who prefers to receive the training individually. Content is streamlined and the material is tailored to the student’s individual needs and intentions. The training covers Reiki Level I, II, Advanced, and Master Practitioner, and is scheduled in four separate appointments of 2.5 hours, a minimum of 3 weeks apart. All materials are provided in the course fee. Students receive a Certificate as a Reiki Master Practitioner from The Magnificent Living Institute upon completion. Mary will contact you to schedule.

Tuition is $1400.

Please click here for full class description and registration information.




Flow with the Higher Good

First Wednesday of the Month
5:30-6:30  pm

Please join us for a group meditation experience to explore your inner realms of consciousness, tap into your infinite creative resources, and bring balance and harmony to all aspects of your life. The agenda changes each month —but the outcome is always the same:  You connect with Who-You-Really-Are and feel great. Most people refer to it as their monthly “tune-up.” No specific experience is necessary and all are welcome to attend. It’s a great opportunity to take care of yourself, be supported by your Inner Being, and connect with a wonderful community. Classes are held live via Zoom. Tuition is $25.

Please click here for full class description and registration information.






How do we find our balance in the collective insanity and radical instability of our current Society?

By having the deliberate intention to do so.

When you quiet your mind, you release thought. When you release thought, you release resistance. When you release resistance, you allow more of who you really are to be with you and support you. Your vibration raises and your consciousness expands.

When your consciousness expands, all kinds of higher perception, experience, and wisdom become available to you. A complex, innate reorganization takes place within your being and this inherent energetic alignment connects you to larger fields of coherent alignment and broader knowing providing you with an incredible sense of peace and well-being.

My particular brand of meditation is to immerse you into your own electromagnetic system, and the personal energetic structures that surround you. Using my voice to guide you, you will engage with specific vibrational alignments, and coherent emotion which allow you to tap into much greater dimensions and expressions of the Self.

I draw from the esoteric practices of Tibetan Buddhism, Egyptian Alchemy, Tantra and Taoism. I take the essence of these traditions and merge them together through a more accessible Western lens, while still honoring the essential integrity of the practice.

My meditations are highly experiential and allow each participant to tap into and explore states of consciousness that are normally reserved for spiritual adepts or those who devote themselves entirely to such practices.

Each of my meditation classes focus on a different aspect of these timeless traditions, breaking down the complex into incremental, understandable, and absorbable chunks of direct experience.

It is truly my honor to make these ineffable aspects of our nature accessible; and to provide the practical framework to bridge the temporal and finite to the timeless and transcendent.

It is through these practices that we collectively bring our version of heaven to earth. And it is my belief that we are here on the planet now to be the agents of this change.

Please join me!

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